






Beehive Insert Application

Step-by-step instruction for applying Firman Pollen usng beehive inserts

Applying Firman Pollen at the hive entrance is the easiest and most efficient way to apply pollen. One acre’s worth of pollen can easily be spread across 2 inserts in a matter of minutes. Placing Firman Pollen at the hive entrance stimulates bee activity and provides them compatible pollen to distribute from the moment they leave the hive.

Firman Pollen’s E-Z Wood Insert and Cardboard Insert create a slope entrance/exit to the hive. Inserts are quick and easy to install. Pollen is placed in the inserts and as the field force exit the hive the pass through the pollen.

Firman Pollen carries all of the necessary PPE to make sure hive application is as safe as possible.

Application Equipment

“E-Z” Firman Stick-Type Insert – $3.00 Each

Tried and true design that Firman Pollen has used for years. Easily installs to most hive entrances. Designed to be easily broken in half to accommodate hives that have winter restrictors.

Cardboard Insert – $ .50 Each

Easily modified to fit unconventional hive entrances, the cardboard insert is also affordable. Disadvantages in comparison to the Wood Insert include having to staple or pin insert to the hive and it is less resistant to adverse weather.

Hole Entry Insert – $3.00 Each

For hives with no porches and only a hole for the bees to enter and exit. Clip adjusts for various hive wall thickness.

Beekeeper Leather Gloves – $40.00 Each

These gloves are extremely protective. The hand is made of top grain cowhide leather. Heavy duty rubberized gauntlet bell cuff with 100% nylon, full circular ventilation panel, is firmly stitched between glove and sleeve for extra coolness on hot days. Lighter weight elbow length canvas drill sleeves with elastic band at the top provides good protection with a cooler material.

Beekeeper Canvas Gloves – $25.00 Each

Heavy canvas gloves specially treated to make them even more sting-resistant.

Beekeeper Veil – $25.00 Each

The Alexander Veil has a durable white cloth top that forms the hat. Full-vision, round one-piece screen-wire veil – no helmet needed. The inner elastic headband holds the veil in position so the top does not touch the head. The cloth top extends down back of the veil to form a sunshade for the neck. The veil also has a long tie-down drawstring.

Bee Suit – $120.00 Each

Polyester/Cotton Suit Featuring: Leg zippers for easy on/off, two front side pockets and a chest pocket. Comfortable hat/veil combo with zipper attachment, elastic leg and wrist cuffs. Comfortable Hat/Veil fits all with spring steel band rings to keep the veil out away from the head and the hat flips back when unzipped.

Application Equipment (Sales Tax Required)
* Prices are subject to change without notice.
* Shipping cost not included in pollen price.

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Beehive Insert Application
